From Apr. 5th (Mon), the Central Library will restrict "Free Return Service" to student.

The Central Library changes some services in "Borrowing and Delivery" Service from June 16.

Library MakerSpace, where ICT equipment such as 3D printers can be used, will be opened on the 2nd floor of the Central Library from July 1st (Wed 1 pm).

In response to the changed level of "Specific Activity Guidelines" according to the Guidelines for Activities at Nagoya University During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, Central Library will reopen to users unregistered in campus from Friday, October 22nd.
We would like to give you a summary of some changes to the Central Library Services to deal with new Coronavirus Infections.
From Oct. 20th (Wed), some facilities of the Central Library are available.
The Central Library will provide the services as follows.

The entrance to the web service, which allows users to renew loans and receive other services, changes on Wednesday, March 16.
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