02/17 〔広報〕フィッシングメールにご注意ください

名古屋大学中央図書館をかたる「Renewal Notice」にご注意ください




 差出人 :Nagoya University Library <library@■■■box.nagoya-u.ac.jp>

 タイトル:Renewal Notice

 本 文 :

 Renewing items allows you to extend the original loan period for an item already checked out by you. The overdue fine will be charged to your account if you do not renew the borrowed items and can be settled when you come to the library. Renewing items online is easy and quick, simply follow the steps below:

 1. Go to Your Library Account;

 2. On the Lending list screen, check the box on the left of a book, click the "Renew" button;

 3. Books cannot be renewed in the following cases:

 ・Borrowed without the library system

 ・Already renewed more than the upper limit

 ・reserved by the next user

 ・You are penalized for the late return

For each successful renewal, the word "RENEWED" will appear together with the new due date. Please Contact Us if you have any problems.

Nagoya University Central Library

Phone +81 52-789-3678


※ 正しいメールには以下の情報が記載されています。




※ 受信された場合は当該メールを下記へご転送くださいますようお願いいたします。

 転送先:system at nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp

※ 参考 : http://www.icts.nagoya-u.ac.jp/nu-only/ja/security/Targeted-mail.html
