02/10 [Central Lib] <Important>Notice of termination of "Borrowing and Delivery" Service during COVID-19 crisis
The Central Library has been providing “Borrowing and Delivery" Service to students affiliated with Nagoya University, but the service will cease on March 31, 2023.
For students at Nagoya University
"Borrowing and Delivery" Service : Applications will be accepted until the delivery on March 31(Fri.).
"Free Return Service" : Please ship by March 26(Sun.).
For more information about "Borrowing and Delivery" Service and "Free Return Service", see "Related Items" at the end of the news for details.
Photocopies of the materials stored in Central Library : Applications will be accepted until delivery on March 31(Fri.).
Photocopies of the materials ordered from other universities : Applications will be accepted until delivery on March 31(Fri.).
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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