Nagoya University Digital Library of Western Books is now available on JSTOR Shared Collections

Nagoya University Digital Library of Western Books is now available on JSTOR Shared Collections

In addition to the “Takagi Family Documents” and the “Ito Keisuke Collection”, which are rare books held by the Nagoya University Library, the " Nagoya University Digital Library of Western Books " is now available on JSTOR Shared Collections on a trial basis.

Nagoya University on JSTOR


JSTOR Shared Collections (formerly known as Open Community Collections) is a platform for making digital images of collections held by universities, museums, and other institutions worldwide. More than 200 institutions have made over 1,900 collections available there.


Nagoya University Library's materials will be available on JSTOR Shared Collections until the end of March 2024. We hope you will take advantage of this service.


Digital images of the Takagi Family Documents, the Ito Keisuke Collection and the Nagoya University Digital Library of Western Books have been available as "E-Collection" on the Nagoya University Library Web page. These images will continue to be available.

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