Nov-02[News] Video of "名古屋大学学術機関リポジトリ(NAGOYA Repository)への研究データ登録手順について (How to register your research data for NAGOYA Repository)" is available (LAST UPDATED: Feb-1)

Video of "名古屋大学学術機関リポジトリ(NAGOYA Repository)への研究データ登録手順について (How to register your research data for NAGOYA Repository)" is available (LAST UPDATED: Feb-1)

As announced below, we have now released an English version of the video. Please watch it.  (February 1, 2024)


A video introducing how to register your research data for NAGOYA Repository is now available on campus.

This video provides a clear explanation of how to fill out an application form and the points to keep in mind when requesting a data registration.

We are sorry but this video is only available in Japanese, please watch if you want to.


We will continue to actively provide information on topics useful to researchers, mainly through our website "Nagoya University Library Open Science/Open Access Support"( We hope you will find it useful.

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